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Featured Work

Drake, Jack   Duncan Falls, 3 0, Gray
Yerian, Madison Elizabeth    Pleasnt Grove 2 2 Slanted Heart   China Black
Gable, Larry And Jeanne   Kimbolton  3 0 Slant  Mahogany
Patriot Vase On A Slant
Flag Holder Option
Hinshaw, Rita   Bronze New Concord Cem., 2 0, Bronze Mudgetts Monuments
Adamsville Elem Near Flag Pole Nov
Hamilton, William & Joyce   Heaven's Gate Cem., 3 0, Jet Black
Vases On Monumnet And Flag Holder

We Are A Family Run Business, Since 1962, 3rd Generation Owners

We specialize in creating a personalized memorial for your loved one. We pride ourselves on being experts in the monument industry, so we can provide area families with a beautiful product and exceptional customer service.

Mudgett's Monuments Headstone Services

  • Help families find a monument that will meet their emotional and financial needs, while still meeting the cemetery’s rules.
  • Design a custom monument layout and provide a drawing.
  • Ensure that engraved names mark the correct grave.
  • Locally sandblast design on a memorial.
  • Work with cemeteries on family’s behalf.
  • Pour needed foundation.
  • Safely deliver and properly install monument purchases.

Mudgett's Monuments Guarantees

  • Engravings are guaranteed to be exactly what the family signed off on.
  • Granite Monuments have a manufacturer guarantee.
  • Monuments are guaranteed to meet cemetery rules.
  • Foundations are guaranteed to meet cemetery rules.

Mudgett's Monuments Supports The Community

  • Hire 5 full time employees.
  • Regularly hire 3-7 additional local independent contractors, on a regular basis.
  • Use the services of other local businesses.
  • Support and pay taxes to local, state and federal governments.

Contact Us

Using our website, you can easily research ideas for your monument. We look forward to guiding you through the monument selection process.